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Film and Video Institute

The world of non-commercial film and A-V


Location: HULL

Club Name: Hull YPI Camera Club

IAC No. 14153

Principal activity: Audio Visual Sequences
Contact - address: A Hersom, 45 Scholars Drive, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU5 2DB

Telephone: 07507 495007
Email / website: info@ypicc.uk
Frequency.of.meetings: Second Monday of the month at Darby & Joan Hall, 58 Finkle St, Cottingham, HU16 4AZ.
Something about us: Computers now brings audio-visual sequences to more people than ever before and YPICC can help you make the most of your pictures.
The club always welcomes new members so why not come to one of our meetings and meet us.
The club is a member of the Yorkshire Photographic Union. We have received assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund.